Daily illustrations about the day, almost in Japan.(with Twins.)

TV program started this day.
"She is popular now!"
February 1st ,2019

Twin-tail day.
Just because there is two "2" in
February 2nd ,2019

"Setsubun" day, which means the day before Spring season.
"Mamemaki" is one of the most famous custom in Setsubun. People throw and scatter roasted beans to goblins in order to get them out of the home and invite happiness!
"Mamemaki" is one of the most famous custom in Setsubun. People throw and scatter roasted beans to goblins in order to get them out of the home and invite happiness!
Wish this year will be the happiest and best for you✨
February 3rd ,2019

"Risshun"means Start spring.
Spring is almost there!
February 4,2019

Twin's day, in Japan.
Just because you can read February 5th "Futago(Twins)" in Japanese.
February 5,2019

Day of "Bath"
Just because you can read February 6th "Furo(bath)" in Japanese.
February 6,2019

Day of "Nagano"
The day Nagano Olympic's opening ceremony .
February 7,2019

Day of "Hari-Kuyo"
It's kind of custum, people bring broken or old needles and push them to "tofu"or "konnyaku". This is to say thank you for the old needles, and then people also wish improvement for their sawing skills.It's kind of memorial service for old things. because Japanese gods in everything!
February 8,2019

Day of "Globe fish" in Japan.
Just because you can read February 9th ”Fugu” or "Fuku" (globe fish)
February 9,2019

Day of "Futon".
Just because you can (kind of) read February 10th ”Futon” (bedding, thick bed quilt)
February 10,2019

Day of "Eto-Kuyo" in Japan.
We often display each year's animal's figure around new year,
in this day people bring old figures to shrine or some places and appreciate them.
Many old figures will be recycled.
February 11,2019

Day of "Bra".
I don't know why-
February 12,2019

Feels spring.
Not illustration about the day.
February 13,2019

Valentine's day.
The day you eat chocolate a lot here in Japan🍫lol😋yumyum
February 10,2019

Half of February.
Time flies...
February 15,2019

Day of "Kanten(kind of jelly)".
Story:I was made into strawberry jelly when I was stealing and eating them, help me.
February 16,2019

Day of "Whisper of angel"
means Diamond dust.
February 17,2019

Day of "Airmail".
February 18,2019

Not illustration about the day.
Want to go out because it's warm.
February 19,2019

Day of "Supermoon".
Wow she is there tonight...
February 20,2019

Day of "Daily newspaper started".
Read the news paper for kids?
February 21,2019

Day of "Neko(cat)".
Just because you can (kind of) read February 22th ”Nyannyannyan” (miaow miaow miaow)
February 22,2019

Day of "Furoshiki".
Furoshiki is large square cloth for wrapping.
February 23,2019

Not illustration for the day.
I have a craving for big pudding.
February 24, 2019